This particular N is Naomi Klein and it has my heart racing. Listen to her speak and try not to love her... beautiful thoughts, words and lips. plus she's Canadian. woo hoo eh?
N-dog, By the flying spaghetti monster what wonders do emerge from this interweb of ours. It never ceases to amaze me the flotsam and jetsam that finds its way onto my screen and into my heart. what it all means...the heart part i mean...not the screen...the screen is what the screen is. it provides.. infinite monkeys and all that. what it all means i do not know. Case in point, in one single beautiful day i stumbled across Thomas Doyle...the man of mayhem behind this absolute beauty, absolute horror show of an art exhibition called Distillation Series:
and this masterpiece by an uberdork that goes by the name Silent:
...were in a punk band i'd be in Frank & the Semantics.
...started a theater company it would be The Glass Globe Theater Group.
...made documentary films they would be No Guff' productions.
...was in a no depression folk group it would be called The Shiny Buckles.
...had a blog i'd call it Xebeche.
...wrote a sci-fi novel in the form of a ficticious autobiograpy written by a cynical man named Spec living in a massive bunker under a mountain in the Swiss alps generations after a nuclear holocaust, it would be called Welcome to Praxis.
...owned a coffee shop it would be called The Open Palm Café.
...was a gangster i'd be known as Fishhook...and i would make guys tell me what i needed to know by tearing their know like in gangs of new york? and i would tag my hits with little stainless steel fishooks..yeah..
...were to write a superhero-esk screenplay it would be called Mizaru: monkey see, monkey do.
...was a D.J. i'd be known throughout the underground clubs of London and the beaches of Ibiza as Bob the Head.
...ran a café/gallery for up and coming artists it would be called The Evil Eye Café.