i could also not write about ants. specifically i could not write about the genus Temnothorax. but why god why wouldn't i when those little buggers blow my frigging mind? here's the deal. they are of a race of ants whose nurseries are pillaged by a larger race of ant...Americana something...read the article...so these darn yankee ants take the eggs of many different raided colonies home and hatch them and put them to work...sure, that's pretty amazing ..BUT..to my everlasting delight, it turns out the aforementioned Temothorax ants, once they hatch, sabotage the nurseries of their captors...putting their eggs in out of the way moldy corners to die or tearing them apart...a quote:
"Overall, slave nursemaids kill some 80 percent of their captors’ young queens and some 60 percent of the young workers"
i'll wait for that to sink in...the ramifications are pretty astounding...
yup..genetically evolved saboteur ants...hatched in a foreign hostile environment and put to work doing exactly what they would be doing at home...yet something doesn't feel right to these wee freaks so they set to work killing the eggs of the only queen they have ever known..
..what what? WHAT? between sixty and eighty percent of the eggs...it boggles the mind or my mind anyway.
i could save time by not pondering the nature of a blog audience of ... as previously mentioned i am not even honest in my journal entries...at sometime somewhere i decided that in order to write i needed an audience in mind...okay forget sometime somewhere...it was Kurt Vonnegut Jr...my absolute favorite writer...excluding Shakespeare because that's too pretentious...holy crap the herbal sleepy-time medication i bummed off my mum just kicked in.. i must be getting sleepy, i was just way too honest about something i should not reveal to a blog audience...anyway before i fade away and forget what else i probably shouldn't write about...KVJ, as i like to call him, he's dead now...so it goes...anyway he always wrote for his dead sister Alice, whose children he adopted if i remember correctly...he thought to himself if Alice would like what i just wrote than it's good enough...or funny or whatever...his thought was that to write one should have an audience in mind. my journal entries, i decided, could one day be read by my boys... i have three sons...they're awesome...well just how honest can the me of now, or even of yesterday, hope to be with his sons of tomorrow? not very apparently...just read my journal. now i am drugged so i apologize for not not writing about the best TV show ever made Dexter. or STIKFAS, the coolest toy i've seen in a while...or the process of being diagnosed ADHD by the Swedish medical industry and the crazy tests they make you take or my drama as conflict resolution class or more ants...like Salvador Dalis' ants as a symbol of death and decay.....but i'm sleepy...
life goes on
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